Monday, October 12, 2020

Slowly Changing Dimension

The context of the business process may change over time. Slowly Changing Dimension is the technique to manage the change history of dimension table which the context changes slowly.

There are many ways to manage changing dimension. See below definition quoted from internet resource. We usually use type 0, 1 and 2 in slow changing dimensions while type 4 is useful in Rapidly Changing dimension.

Type 0: Retain original

Type 1: Overwrite

Type 2: Add new row

Type 3: Add new attribute

Type 4: Add mini-dimension

Type 5: Add mini-dimension and Type 1 outrigger

Type 6: Add Type 1 attributes to Type 2 dimension

Type 7: Dual Type 1 and Type 2 dimensions

Type 0 simply ignores any change and keep the original context. Type 1, in other way, overwrites the context values by the latest change. These two implementations are simple that won't keep series of change history but only one version. Type 2 is the implementation that keeps changing history. We usually maintain the change history with effective dates columns. They are the most common way to manage slowly changing dimension.

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